Web Portal Wishes

Yeah, that’s how we have it set up. But because I sometimes want to see characters who have the school ‘Fire’ -regardless of whether it’s major or minor - it’d be great if I could see a list by group instead of tabbing through all the tabs looking for that secondary grouping.

And if you had three groups, you’d have no easy way to see members of whatever group didn’t make the gallery cut.

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combat/log visible on the portal so I don’t have to keep guessing what page the relevant rolls are on. Probably pretty low priority though.

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Tag a log with more than one plot (for example, smaller plots that tie into a larger meta plot).

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Add tags to plots, and then let me use those tags to create page lists like I can with scenes.

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One-button ability to scroll down to the bottom of an in-progress scene.

Scrolling through all the previous poses is particularly brutal on mobile (when it gets confused between scrolling the whole page or just the poses within the scene).


I was just going through the wish list and realized - did you know that you can actually see this already through the web portal group census? I forgot.

It’s probably not as fancy as what you’re looking for, but the basic thing is there.

Ahhh! I did NOT. That works for me.

Add GMs to plots (more than one) so I can remember who ran them. Awesome if I can do this by player/handle OR by character but either would work.

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It’d be cool if the web portal notifications could actually take you to things when you click them. (I keep trying to do it instinctively.) So like: click a New Scene Activity notification, it’d take you to that scene. New forum post notif, take you to that forum post. That sort of thing.

Also! Not sure if this is just me, but. When I visit the web portal on mobile via iOS Chrome, the menu stays open/unfurled once I click through to go somewhere. It’s weird and just the most minor bit of hassle to then close it again so I can see the page I just went to. So open the menu, click a place to go, it takes me there but the menu stays open instead of auto-closing so it’s actually not clear that it took me to a different page at first.


“Reply to All” in the mail interface on web-portal. plzzz

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I have two (ah hah hah) portal wishes today…

The scene list on char profiles goes by (I think?) date posted or completed or something. Not the date listed. Could we have it by date listed?

Much less useful: Is it possible to prevent the character’s icon and their name from breaking separately when listed in the active scene list? It’s really not important but it (probably irrationally) bugs me. In my brain, the name should go beneath the person, not next to. So when I see a name beneath, I assume that’s the person’s name! Only it’s not. My brain is easily confused.

Right at top, the blonde is Alice, the brunette is Green, but “Green” appears below Alice, and confuses my poor self.

(Er, also, I guess this might just be a Spirit Lake thing? I didn’t check on Chontio.)

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I’ll fix the name-wrap thing in the next patch. Thanks for pointing that out.

Scenes are listed in order of date shared, so most recent scenes appear at the top. Since I can’t control the format of the IC date/time (for example, for games with non-Earth calendars where IC dates are like “32 AD”), I can’t reliably sort on it.

Would it be possible to add the scene number of a scene in more places, on the web? I know it’s in the address, but I think most of us have been conditioned to totally ignore anything in the address bar. So, when you’re on the scene page itself, if the number could be listed somewhere?

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I know there was just a big upgrade, but one of the things that would be really helpful is if in game forums the posts clearly showed which ones were new and which were already read. Yes, I know they have dates on them, but I don’t always remember that the last time I checked forums was on the 25th at 8:03.

In general, reading the forum threads is more confusing than helpful to me.

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You mean the individual replies? The categories/boards and posts/threads should have unread markers unless something broke.

I get really used to using Command-Enter a lot of places on the internet to submit a text thing where Enter by itself does a line break. That’s on a Mac, I know there’s a Windows equivalent – is it Ctrl-Enter? It is a common enough thing on many websites I’ve encountered. ANYWHO it’d be cool if that functionality existed for web portal scenes! Or I guess in the web portal in general to submit things. I guess for scenes you have other submission options, like OOC comments, GM pose, scene set, etc. But I feel like treating regular poses as the default for submission would make sense there.


A “cookie/here” from the portal would be awesome. :slight_smile:

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A series of job/request-related wishes:

  • Show the date a request was made in the jobs list overview.

  • A toggle on the ‘request’ page for players that lets them see closed jobs (like what appears on the admin side)

  • A filter that lets you see all unread jobs regardless of status. Closed jobs sort of drop off the radar now that the filters exist. We go through so many that my ‘unread jobs’ trigger is ALWAYS on and it’s hard to find ones where the new activity was closing it.

The ability to add NPCs to scenes via the portal (unless I’m just crazy and did this wrong).

Tat requested that too and it’ll be in the next patch. Thanks.

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