Trouble with FS3 and C-Gen

So I’m having a bit of a hard time customizing FS3 for the game I’m working on. To the point where I seem to have borked the entire c-gen system.

Now when I type app from a PC I get

%% Sorry! The code lost its mind while executing a command. Not your fault.
Please send this error information to the admins and tell them what you were doing at the time:
Description: “app”
Error: “undefined method `each’ for false:FalseClass”

What seems to have done it is changing the Groups. We’re not a BSG game and, really, I couldn’t think of any valid groups for the game so I made it blank hoping that would solve the “you need to set a group before you can set your abilities” error. Instead it seems to have broken the entire system.

Is there a step by step guide some where for tweaking FS3? I’ve read through the tutorials and they didn’t really help me with what I was trying to do. Thanks.

So I’ve simply reinstalled the DB to start over. I can customize the skills fine enough so I guess my questions now are…

1: How do I customize the Groups, namely can I get rid of them as a requirement entirely?
2: Will the changes to Groups be automatically reflected in the web portal c-gen or is there something I need to do to tweak the character creation section of the portal?


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Answered most of my own questions. So that’s all good. The issue seems to be connected to Rank and it looking for the Faction group. I just need to figure out how to disable ranks I think…

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The web chargen automatically works based on the group configuration.

There’s currently no way to disable groups entirely. I’d never been on a game that didn’t have at least one axis of grouping characters - factions, organizations, alien/supernatural races, jobs, nationalities, clans, magic disciplines, superhero teams, character classes, etc. … so it never occurred to me that someone would want to turn them off completely. I can see about putting that on the wish list, but that probably won’t help you in the short term.

Unless you want to dive into the code to try to turn it off yourself, I’d suggest just making one dummy group (like “Faction”) with only one option (like “Citizen”). Folks doing in-game chargen will still have to set it, but at least the web portal will default you.

As for tweaking FS3… the groups are actually not part of FS3 itself but the demographics system. The config tutorials describe both the essential config options and the basic FS3 setup that you’ll probably want to tweak for each game.

The FS3 Guide also has a “Design Guide” section (in the sidebar) with articles about choosing and tweaking FS3, setting up your points/limits to manage min-maxing, etc.

If none of that is what you’re looking for, let me know and I’d be happy to help.

Side note in case it helps in the future – you can restore the default configuration just by copying the contents of the install config files (located here: instead of having to redo the entire database.

Oh cool. I guess most of that reply is not useful to you but maybe to someone else in the future :slight_smile:

Ranks is one of the optional plugins and can be disabled on the plugins menu.

It’s a plugin! Got it! Thanks a lot! And having groups isn’t really an issue. The more I look at them the more I think they could be very useful for balancing skills(making sure Cops have X, Y, Z for instance). Thanks!

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