Suggestion: Paging from the web chat?

Would it be possible to send pages from the web chat program? There are times I can’t play but hop on to chat with folks, so that would be handy.



Unfortunately that’s not possible at present. Too many MUSHers have an almost phobic aversion to the idea of logging pages, which would be necessary to make them accessible via the web portal.

But the more people upvote this feature, the more we can illuminate the need for this and fight the phobia.

ETA: By “logging” pages I mean storing them to the database so they can be read by the code and presented to the web portal.

I <3’d Honey’s post.

I understand why people would be against people logging pages, I really do. But I think that having the ability to use the web portal for this sort of communication, as well as Staff being able to keep records of bad apples for when they need to ban people aren’t the worst things in the world.

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Is there a way to upvote beyond just :heart:ing? Can I double :heart:?

Upvoted. Is there a way you could consider making it a game configuration? That is: if a game was super averse to having the functionality, it could just switch it off? That might help some of the aversion, but that might also be super complicated.

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Technically, yes, but I am not willing to do so. For me this is an all-or-nothing feature.

I do not want people to avoid Ares games (even if it’s just specific Ares games) out of fear for their privacy. I think this will have a detrimental impact on the overall reputation of/adoption of the server.

And I get it - personally I would have no problem with this feature. But a lot of players I’ve talked to do, and it’s hard to really blame them. It’s not like there hasn’t been a history of staffer abuse in this hobby.

What we need to do is drive critical mass of people getting behind this feature.

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I know I’ve said this before, but I’m just adding my name publicly to the critical mass of people who’d be okay - nay, THRILLED - with this feature.

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I’ll be the naysayer.

Personally? I would feel weird about having my pages logged. It would make me more cautious about what games I played, since I’d legit have to stop and think: Do I trust this admin not to read my private conversations?

It might not be a deal-breaker for everyone, but it would make me side-eye certain games - and ultimately, because of that, lead to more “off-game” communication… which leads to more “off-game” time in general… which leads to games looking like ghost towns…

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I’m sorry if this derails the conversation, but does it matter to you if the pages are not “logged” as in, appear in a log that can be read, but rather “stored in the database for a short while”, with not command to view said pages?

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@Skew - No, I totally get what kind of “log” we’re talking about.

I guess I should add: how long are they stored? I probably wouldn’t take issue with something that held them for, say, an hour. But for a day? A week?


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Yeah, totally fair! It was just a thought. I definitely understand why you want to go All In or Not At All with it, though.

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You are definitely not alone - I have heard this feedback from a number of folks who may not be inclined to join the public forum and chat about it.

I think that for the feature to be effective the pages would have to be stored basically indefinitely, like mails. When you think about it - that’s how chat programs generally work. Slack, discord, forum PMs, etc.

The main difference is that we can be reasonably sure that the Discord engineers are not interested in snooping on my PMs to Roadspike, and have the strong disincentive of getting fired if they do. With MUSH staff? We have the opposite of said trust. This is a very real concern.

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Yeah, it’d def have to be longer than that, or there’d be no point to it. Thank you for the feedback! Just trying to get a feel for an issue I don’t understand (but is obviously quite real!).