Shortcuts have bizarre limitations


Personal Shortcuts


shortcut/add h=help

%% Shortcut added.


This help system will guide you through the game commands. Type help (e.g., help beginner) to view a topic.
You can also browse the help on the game’s web portal at AresMUSH.


page 1 of 4 ctd. in help2

shortcut/add usc=scenes/open

%% Shortcut added.


Personal Shortcuts

h: help
usc: scenes/open


%% Command scenes/open is not recognized. See help.


Game Name
-----[ Open/My Scenes ]-------------------------------------------------------


Scene views: scenes/open, scenes/all, scenes/unshared.

Sometimes you need to use the singular version of the command - in your case, shortcut/add usc=scene/open. I should have noted that in the help file.

(The reason is because behind the scenes - no pun intended - scenes/open is just a game-wide shortcut for scene/open and it doesn’t do stacked shortcuts.)

I’m not sure why you included the shortcut for help in your post? It looks like that one worked ok?