Pose Order from the Web Portal

  • No, Web-Portal should not trigger the “in client” pose order.
  • Yes, Web-Portal should trigger the “in client” pose order.
  • Yes, and the pose order should (somehow) be displayed on the web.

0 voters

At present, if I’m using the web-portal live scene feature (not the built-in web-portal client), and I pose into a scene, it will not trigger pose order for anyone that’s logged into the game via client. This is intentional. Per Faraday, the web-portal RP has seen a lot more usage in slower paced scenes, where a timely pose is not expected. This means a nudge when it’s your turn is not necessary, as you’ll get to it when you have the time.

I personally believe it should trigger pose order. That way if I’m logged into my client, and you (and/or others) are logged in via web-portal, I’ll be alerted as I usually am. Just the same, I use web-portal scene system to RP on the regular, because without any channels/pages/etc it can be easier to focus.

Please vote! Or ask a question if this poll’s not clear.

Addition: The “Yes, and the pose order should (somehow) be displayed on the web.” is phrased that way because we’re not really clear how that might work. The web-portal side of things isn’t sending just to your screen, so saying “it’s your turn!” isn’t quite possible.

That’s why the “(somehow)” is there, if anyone was curious!

I think either ‘yes’ option is fine. It’s mostly just the ‘no’ option I’m not a fan of.