Issue with idling out characters

Heya, I am trying to idle out a character that someone has asked to drop, and running into an odd issue Or maybe a lack of understanding of how to properly drop and roster a character?? But there is an error in the logs, which I will paste below.

I assume if someone wants to drop a character, and I subsequently want to put that character on the roster for someone else to potentially app later, I should use the idle/now <name>=Gone command first (to clear off their OOC personal data), and then roster/add <Name> them to actually put them on the roster.

However, when I use idle/now =Gone, it’s not clearing the handle from the character in the way I expect – the handle still appears on their character profile, they still have a handle_id on their char obj, the char is still a Current Character on AresCentral, and the character still shows in the Player’s alt list on the Players page.

Not sure what is up :frowning: I am on v81.

In the error logs, I notice this:

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - Clearing alt info for 69

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - AresMUSH::Profile::CharIdledOutEventHandler handling CharIdledOutEvent. 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - Deleting PMs for 69 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - AresMUSH::Page::CharIdledOutEventHandler handling CharIdledOutEvent. 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - Deleting mail for 69 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - AresMUSH::Mail::CharIdledOutEventHandler handling CharIdledOutEvent. 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - Resetting login info for 69 

2020-07-12 21:37:57 DEBUG - AresMUSH::Login::CharIdledOutEventHandler handling CharIdledOutEvent. 

</html>' backtrace=["/home/ares/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/lib/ruby/2.6.0/json/common.rb:156:in `parse'", "/home/ares/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/lib/ruby/2.6.0/json/common.rb:156:in `parse'", "/home/ares/aresmush/engine/aresmush/rest_connector.rb:15:in `post'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/arescentral/helpers/connector.rb:82:in `unlink_handle'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/arescentral/helpers/handle_mgmt.rb:80:in `block in unlink_handle'", "/home/ares/aresmush/engine/aresmush/error_block.rb:6:in `with_error_handling'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/arescentral/helpers/handle_mgmt.rb:75:in `unlink_handle'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/idle/helpers.rb:41:in `idle_cleanup'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/idle/helpers.rb:26:in `add_to_roster'", "/home/ares/aresmush/plugins/idle/helpers.rb:17:in `block in create_or_update_roster'"] 








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2020-07-12 21:37:57 ERROR - Error in Unlinking handle with AresCentral.: client= error=767: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE html>

2020-07-12 21:37:57 INFO - Removing handle link for 5efaab85bbdbe407135c444e

Just a bug within AresCentral. Try again and it should be fixed. Thx.

Works now thank you!

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