Forum Wish List

So, I’ve just basically started tinkering with AresMUSH. So far I’m learning a lot, breaking even more. There are a few things that would be really nice to have for the Forums.

  • The ability to apply a default sort order to the boards. This would set the number of the board. I tend to like to have my boards in alphabetical order, and currently I need to reorder them manually. Not a big deal, but a nice to have.
  • The ability to hide boards. I know that a player can use forum/hide, but I would like the Read Roles, to determine who can see the board. This is how Myrrs works on MUSH. If you can’t read it, you can’t see it.
  • This is probably an iffy one, but I’d like to be able to Ansify parts of the board names. Again an OCD thing for me.


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Thanks for the suggestions!

The default sort order is the order that the boards were created. This is for folks who are used to reading boards by number (bbread 2/whatever), so those numbers don’t change when a new board is added.

I understand some folks have a preference to completely hide boards that they cannot see, but I’ve also found value in allowing them to know there are other boards. That way if someone forgets to add them to a faction board or something, they can ask staff: “Hey so is there a reason I can’t view the Rebels board?” Also for some folks (like me :slight_smile: ) seeing gaps in the board numbers is just disconcerting. That’s why I leave the hide decision up to individual players.

I can probably add a separate display title for the boards so you can add in some ansi.