Firefly - Still Flyin' MUSH

Come play in the Firefly/Serenity 'Verse, on a new MUSH (still in Beta)! We’ve decided to ramp up advertising on the early side, since many of us can do with a fun distraction right now.

You can learn about the game on our wiki:

Connect at 2517

Guest access and character creation are both open. Stop on by!

The game has a strong storytelling focus, and will be very light on coded systems. We run PennMush and FS3 softcode. We’ve built out a grid for Eavesdown as a central RP hub. There is an active, growing group of players, people to meet, and things to do. See the wiki or jump onto the game to learn more!

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Hi all, I’m THRILLED to announce at last… that this game has been fully switched over to AresMush now, our old players are (more or less) transitioned, and we’re ready for new players!

Come join us if you like, in the Firefly/Serenity Verse:

The AresCentral listing will be up shortly.

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