Call for Themes

Ares has a theme-sharing system built in, but so far the only theme in it is my default dark one.

It would be nice to have more of a variety. Designing themes is really not my strong suit though. So if anyone wants to share their theme with the community, or design new themes, the contributions would be greatly appreciated.

All that’s needed are:

  • colors.scss
  • custom.scss
  • Any custom theme images, if there are any (like box-bg.png for the character and log backgrounds)
  • Sample screenshots, at minimum showing the home page

If you’re github-savvy, you can set up a repo. Use the ares dark theme as a model.

If not, don’t let that be an obstacle. Just send me the files and I’ll set one up for you.

If you want to design themes and don’t have a server to test them on, maybe we can set something up. Lemme know.

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