Content warning bug - mouseover overflow on the scenes list page - CSS issue?

I’ve noticed that when browsing the list of scenes on a game, mousing over the content warning shows the text of the warning, but it almost always overflows the browser window. I imagine that it’s because the text is centered over the mouse position when it should be left justified to the cursor’s position.

Similarly, the sidebar does something similar, but that depends a lot on how much text is in the content warning and the resolution of the browser. Should probably be right justified instead of left!

I’ve encountered this on a few Ares games, such as Gray Harbor and Spirit Lake. I’ve attached a couple screenshots as an example.

Scenes list page:

Inside the scene:

I can’t really get a good example of the sidebar, but the mouseover is certainly centered on the cursor as well.


Will fix in the next patch. Thanks!

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