Active Scenes List

So over in the nuisances thread there was a discussion about the Active Scenes page, and the concern seemed to be that it might get too cluttered.

That page already pushes “Open” scenes to the top of the list, and those probably won’t stay open too long.

Your personal scenes will either show up on “My Scenes”.

Some private scenes might be slow-RP driven and linger for awhile, but they’re at the bottom of the list so I’m not sure I understand why it matters whether there are 5 or 50 of them.

If it’s just a preference on tidy lists, that’s perfectly fine. :slight_smile: I’m just wondering if I’m missing a use case here where folks are having trouble finding something.

Like do we need the list to go:

  • Your scenes
  • Open scenes
  • Private scenes


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Honestly, I’m fine with it as it is. I was just trying to brainstorm any way to work around the “long list” issue that might make KB unbothered enough by the potential of greater length to set the timelimit higher so my slow scenes stop constantly getting autostopped. My impression was that the issue there was length per se, and therefore something that made the list inherently shorter as a default view might help.

That said, having the scenes one’s in highlighted somehow, like up at the top, could be useful to people who don’t use /scenes-play!

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Now, on SGM we don’t have the massive scene list issue yet. I think the most I’ve seen at one time so far was 6 or 7.

I can see paginating the list: that would probably be useful. The sorting method, however, I’m totally OK with. The only time I use ‘scenes’ on game, personally, is to see if people have posed in the scenes my PC is in (since the ‘time since last pose’ updates there).

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So my issue with the scrolling is…

I type scenes in the game. I see this (sorry ugly formatting, on from work).

To actually see the open scenes, I have to scroll to the top of the list, which is actually about 1.5 screens up. And, I assume it has to do with changes that have taken place since these scenes were started, there are actually more private scenes on top of them.

It’s not a huge deal, but scroll is scroll.

Edit to add: It might be as simple as adding something like scenes/open so people could just see open scenes?

Ah okay. So it’s the in game list that’s the issue more than the web one. I didn’t know folks really used that for anything given the where display :slight_smile: I can see what I can do.

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Maybe also bump open scenes to the bottom on the game vs the top? Same sort of sorting conversation we had about new mail posts on web vs game.